Change of Beneficiary Advocate and Successor Advocate FormTrust Beneficiary Full Name:Trust Beneficiary Full Name:(Required)Trust Beneficiary Address:Trust Beneficiary Address:(Required)I,I,(Required), am theTrust Beneficiary or Current Beneficiary Advocate.(Required)Trust BeneficiaryCurrent Beneficiary AdvocateI understand that this change of Beneficiary Advocate is not effective until accepted by the non-profit/ charity and trustee.I hereby appoint the person named below as the new Beneficiary Advocate for the above named Trust Beneficiary. I hereby appoint the person named below as the new Beneficiary Advocate for the above named Trust Beneficiary.Full Name:Beneficiary Advocate Full Name(Required)Full Address:Beneficiary Advocate Full Address(Required)Relationship to Beneficiary:Beneficiary Advocate - Relationship to Beneficiary(Required)Email:Beneficiary Advocate Email(Required) Phone:Beneficiary Advocate Phone(Required)Alternate Phone:Beneficiary Advocate Alternate Phone(Required)I hereby appoint/nominate the individual below as Successor Beneficiary Advocate for the above named Trust Beneficiary in the event that I hereby appoint/nominate the individual below as Successor Beneficiary Advocate for the above named Trust Beneficiary in the event thatI,Current Beneficiary Advocate(Current Beneficiary Advocate) am no longer able to fulfill my duties as advocate in the event of my disability or passing.Full Name:Successor Beneficiary Full Name(Required)Successor Advocate SignatureSuccessor Advocate Signature(Required)Full Address:Successor Beneficiary Advocate Full Address(Required)Relationship to Beneficiary:Successor Beneficiary Advocate Relationship to Beneficiary(Required)Email:Successor Beneficiary Advocate Email Phone:Successor Beneficiary Advocate PhoneAlternatePhone:Successor Beneficiary Advocate AlternatePhoneI wish the Non-Profit/Charity to appoint a Beneficiary Advocate for the above named Trust Beneficiary. I wish the Non-Profit/Charity to appoint a Beneficiary Advocate for the above named Trust Beneficiary.Trust Beneficiary/Advocate Full Name:Trust Beneficiary/Advocate Full Name:Trust Beneficiary/Advocate Signature:Trust Beneficiary/Advocate Signature:Date: Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY NON-PROFIT/CHARITY USE ONLY:The non-profit/charity hereby accepts this change of Beneficiary Advocate.Sign:NON-PROFIT/CHARITY USE ONLY - SignDate:NON-PROFIT/CHARITY USE ONLY - Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Print: NON-PROFIT/CHARITY USE ONLY - PrintTitle:NON-PROFIT/CHARITY USE ONLY - TitleΔ Download PDF